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About Forecastle Foundation

Our mission is to protect and connect the world's natural awesome by funding projects that help protect the world's natural resources with a focus on biodiversity hotspots.

We are the Activism arm of the Forecastle Festival:

•The festival began in 2002 with a small budget, a handful of musicians and a goal of reuniting with the local community.

•A huge success, the vision for a true festival experience emerged, with a platform that would be equal parts Music. Art. Activism.®

•In 2010, Forecastle Founder JK McKnight, launches The Forecastle Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, as the activism arm of the festival.

•Created with a mission to protect and connect the world's most biologically diverse and highly-threatened hot spots around the world.

•With the success of the festival, the Foundation has also grown. Operating year-round, the Foundation has donated a total of over $550,000 over the past 8 years to local and global conservation projects.

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