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Ban the Trade of Shark Fins in the U.S.


Fins from up to 73 million sharks end up in the global fin trade every year. We must act now to protect sharks and our oceans.

Your representative will soon help decide whether the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, which would ban the buying and selling of shark fins in the United States, progresses or fails. Sharks need all the help they can get, and this bill could make a difference.

Can you add your voice to this important effort to protect sharks today?

Sign the petition in support of a nationwide ban on the trade of shark fins.

The demand for shark fins is one of the greatest threats facing shark populations around the world. Fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global market every year, and more than 70 percent of the 14 most common shark species in the fin trade are considered at high or very high risk of extinction.

The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act (H.R. 1456/S. 793), which has over 260 cosponsors in the House and Senate and has been endorsed by over 500 businesses and organizations, would remove the United States from this devastating trade.

Please support the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, which will help to reduce the international fin trade market, improve upon current enforcement capabilities, and reinforce the status of the U.S. as a leader in shark conservation.

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