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Add Your Name to Protect Rainforests and All Ecosystems from Industrial Agriculture


The food system is fundamentally broken. Industrial agriculture contributes to 80% of deforestation across the globe, posing a threat to communities and the planet. Greedy companies are literally setting tropical forests on fire to clear land and expand their cattle grazing and feed, fueling the climate crisis. And, animal agriculture is already responsible for 14% of global emissions — as much as the entire transport sector.

The Amazon is being ripped apart for huge cattle pastures and feed for livestock. Meanwhile, Indonesia's forests are being cleared, set on fire and bulldozed to make way for palm oil plantations. More and more fragile ecosystems like savannahs and peatlands are also being destroyed to make way for industrial food production. We are running out of time. To win this fight against the climate and biodiversity crisis, we need to drastically reduce meat consumption and production, end deforestation, protect and restore the world's forests. Together we need to put an end to runaway land-use expansion for corporate farms and food companies.

It's time to address the broken food system now more than ever and turn it into something that regenerates our vital forests, communities, and planet. Sign on to tell your Members of Congress to protect people, food and nature – not corporations.

Dear Congressional candidates and incumbents:

We demand that you address the broken food system and protect people and nature not corporations.

-Encourage "less meat, more veg" dietary policies in public cafeterias and schools to significantly reduce meat and dairy production
-End industrial subsidies to corporate meat, dairy and feed conglomerates
-Honor and respect Indigenous Peoples' sovereignty, land rights and self-determination
-End deforestation and protect and restore forests and all critical ecosystems impacted by agriculture expansion
-Prioritize reform for a just and resilient food system that adheres to principles of ecological agriculture

We need a food system that prioritizes healthier low-meat diets, local and sustainable food sources, and protects all food workers and farmers.


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