By way of Take Me To The River films, musical tours and the Take Me To The River Education Initiative, we seek to empower communities by promoting tolerance and respect for all people and cultures, creating a deeper understanding and relevance of history and civil rights, showing how cross-cultural collaboration in music and the arts have impacted our society.
Take Me To The River, a Movement of Social Consciousness, values a vision of promoting tolerance and respect for all people and cultures, igniting excitement about history, music and musical exploration and inspiring creativity and expression.
Donate $55 to Take Me To The River and gte this vinyl featuring music from the award-winning TMTTR documentary film. You'll also earn 550 points for your support!
All proceeds benefit Take Me To The River and their work to promote tolerance and respect for all people and cultures, ignite excitement about history, music and musical exploration and inspire creativity and expression.
Note: Please allow up to 4-6 weeks to receive your item. US orders only. Item does not ship internationally.
Propeller inspires activism and helps build movements for change.