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The Words of Desmond Tutu
Help spread Desmond Tutu's message of peace and unity.
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Forgiveness is simply about understanding that every one of us is both inherently good and inherently flawed. Within every hopeless situation and every seemingly hopeless person lies the possibility of transformation.

So when I am asked whether some people are beyond forgiveness, my answer is no. My heart has been broken a thousand times over at the cruelty and suffering I have seen human beings unjustly and mercilessly inflict upon one another. Yet still I know and believe that forgiveness is always called for, and reconciliation is always possible.

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About Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation

The mission of the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation is to use Desmond Tutu's life and teachings to inspire young people to build a world of peace within themselves, peace between people, and peace among nations.

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation envisions a world in which everyone values human dignity and our interconnectedness. Real peace will prevail when there is a culture of peace in the USA and around the world. That culture originates in the hearts and minds of our youth, the future leaders and peace-makers of the world. Our programs are based on the teachings of Desmond Tutu who has dedicated his life to reshaping conversations about peace, equality, and forgiveness. The philosophy of Ubuntu guides us with its meaning of We are all connected. What affects one of us affects us all.

About Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation

The mission of the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation is to use Desmond Tutu's life and teachings to inspire young people to build a world of peace within themselves, peace between people, and peace among nations.

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation envisions a world in which everyone values human dignity and our interconnectedness. Real peace will prevail when there is a culture of peace in the USA and around the world. That culture originates in the hearts and minds of our youth, the future leaders and peace-makers of the world. Our programs are based on the teachings of Desmond Tutu who has dedicated his life to reshaping conversations about peace, equality, and forgiveness. The philosophy of Ubuntu guides us with its meaning of We are all connected. What affects one of us affects us all.

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